Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

No, that's not my philosophy. But I wish it was sometimes.

In my world, sleep is something to be cherished ... the one part of each day that I can look forward to, no matter what. If I don't get seven or eight solid hours of shut eye, I just don't feel right, look right, or act right.

This has been causing a bit of a dilemma for me lately. I have so much going on right now with work and so many things outside of work that I'd like to stay on top of, or start, or finish, or learn ... I want to take more pictures. I want to get better at Photoshop. I want to finish all sorts of projects around the house and in the yard. I want to be lazy and read books. I want to help my mom get a lot of spring items up and running in her online shop. I want to work out more. I want to sit out in the sun and stare into space.

So many things, so little time! What's a girl to do?

The answer is simple--sleep less. It's just that I don't like that answer!

To make even the slightest dent in my "must-do" and "want-to-do" lists, I probably need to take at least three hours from my sleep time. That's a big commitment, and I'm not really in a big commitment kinda mood. So I'm going to TRY to stay up one hour later and get up one hour earlier and see where that gets me.

I'm publishing that goal here for all to see. "All" is really not that big of an audience--especially with my erratic blogging of late--but what the heck.

You'll know if I'm even slightly successful if you see pictures on here again, or read posts about cute clothes (because I've been exercising and feel like buying clothes again), or see book reviews, or hear me talk about how clean my house is.

We'll see how it goes ...

1 comment:

  1. I love to sleep. I have a terrible time staying asleep though. Good luck getting things done. At least we have pretty weather, finally!
